Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Another Log On

Another log was added to the wall today. This one I had to straighten by cutting it and putting it back together again. I really didn't want to have to do any logs this way but this log needed to be used low on the wall because it slightly has left hand grain so I didn't want to use it in the window openings and it was to short for the front or back walls.I used a spline made from a 2x6. I placed the cut so that in the interior of the house it will be hidden behind the bath tube. Sorry I didn't take a picture of the log before I cut it to show how bowed it was.

Cuts are made to accept spline

Nice Fit

Now a Straight Log


Unknown said...

looks like it is coming along good bro.

Cliff said...

Thanks for the comment Trey. It's a slow-go but now that I'm in the round logs hopefully I'll get faster with the learning curve.